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Before Guan, the country had produced few world class golfers. Liang Wen-Chong is the only Chinese golfer to reach the top 100 in the Official World Golf Rankings. He played at the Masters in 2008 but failed to make the cut.
在关天朗之前,中国几乎没有世界级的高尔夫球手。梁文冲是目前唯一一名进入世界高尔夫官方排名(Official World Golf Rankings)前100名的中国人。他曾在2008年受邀打美国大师赛,但未能晋级。

To earn an automatic entry into the Masters, Guan won the Asia-Pacific Amateur Championship last November, by sinking a 5-foot par putt on the final hole.
关天朗去年11月在亚太高尔夫业余锦标赛(Asia-Pacific Amateur Championship)问鼎冠军,在最后一洞中,他用一个五英尺的推杆平了标准杆,获得了入围大师赛的资格。

After Guan qualified for the Masters, Ho, the Lion Lake owner, built a practice green with low-cut grass to match the speed of Augusta National's, and allowed only Guan to play on it. Too much use would ruin the delicate grass.
在关天朗获得大师赛的资格后,狮子湖高尔夫球度假俱乐部的所有者John Ho用低切草建造了一个练习果岭,达到与奥古斯塔国家高尔夫球场的球速,并且只允许关天朗在上面打球。过多人使用果岭会破坏其娇贵的草坪。

'This is about power for China,' said Ho. Plus, as word spreads that Lion Lake is Guan's home course, the club is bound to become more popular. 'It's going to be a lot more famous, especially with the kids.'
John Ho说,这么做是为了中国的实力。此外,狮子湖是关天朗的练球场的消息传出后,俱乐部一定会更加受欢迎。John Ho说,它一定会更加出名,尤其是在小孩子中间。

Guan's father, who introduced his son to the game when he was a toddler, picks him up after school every day for the one-hour trip to Lion Lake. Guan practices there until dark, usually without a coach.

In Georgia, Guan has been eating lunch in the clubhouse, his mother said through an interpreter, and has been dining out with his family at night. About a half-dozen relatives and friends made the trip. One night they went to TBonz, the steakhouse chain. Another night they went to Shangri-La Chinese Cuisine.

For breakfast Thursday, Guan ate a typical Chinese breakfast of potatoes with meat, rice and stir-fried eggs, showing no sign of nerves, his mother said.

Guan said he watched a little television Wednesday night and after a good sleep had only slight nerves as he approached the first tee. 'I hit a good shot and after that I felt comfortable,' he said.

After bogeying the opening hole, Guan barely missed a birdie putt on the second. Then he pounded his drive on the 350-yard, par-four third hole within fifty yards of the flag and hit a wedge to within 10 feet.

Standing over his putt, a drive from the group following Guan's rolled up on the green. No matter. Guan took a breath and drained his putt. Shots like that soon had the Augusta galleries mangling his name in their throaty southern drawls.

'Bite!' Jackie Crenshaw yelled as Guan's second shot on the seventh hole rolled toward the rough. Guan's best shot of the day came on the sixth hole, when he had to chip from a downhill lie onto a green that was sloping away from him. Guan bounced the ball off the hill just before the green, which slowed his ball just enough to leave him with a short putt to save par.

Guan has no chance of winning the tournament. His drive usually doesn't travel more than 250 yards, making several of the course's long par-four holes too difficult for him.

And in all sports, teenage wonders sometimes falter with age. At 13, Michelle Wie, the U.S. golfer, was supposed to evolve into a player who could compete with men.
在所有运动项目中,少年神童往往在长大之后趋于平庸。美国的高尔夫运动员魏圣美(Michelle Wie)13岁时曾被认为是一名可与男球手一争高下的种子选手。

But as he battles Friday to make the cut at this year's tournament, Guan said he intended to enjoy himself.

Whatever happens, the mundane business of being a schoolboy lies immediately ahead. 'He definitely needs to go back and take exams,' said Jack Peng, a golf agent who is serving as an adviser to Guan's family.