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微软处境不佳 Windows Blue被寄予厚望


微软处境不佳 Windows Blue被寄予厚望

With hope fading that Microsoft Corp.'s new Windows 8 software will reignite computer sales, attention is already shifting to the company's next big effort to regain relevance: Windows Blue.
对微软(Microsoft Corp.)新操作系统Windows 8重振电脑销售的希望变得越来越渺茫。市场注意力也已经转向该公司重振旗鼓的下一个主要项目:Windows Blue。

Microsoft has yet to formally define the software project. But Windows Blue is expected to mark a major change in the company's development methodology, replacing major launches of products every several years with frequent updates of features in operating software and applications such as Office.
微软还没有正式定义这个软件项目。但是Windows Blue预计将标志着公司发展方式的一个重大改变,不再每隔数年发布重大产品,而是频繁地对操作系统和Office等应用程序进行更新。

That model is common in Internet services and apps, markets where Microsoft is determined to play a larger role. Some analysts think Windows Blue will help bring together efforts such as Windows 8─which is targeted at tablets and personal computers─and the Windows Phone software for smartphones.
这种模式在互联网服务和应用程序中十分常见,微软正下定决心在上述市场中扮演更大的角色。一些分析人士认为,Windows Blue将有助于整合Windows 8和Windows Phone的优势。Windows 8针对的是平板电脑和个人电脑,而Windows Phone针对的则是智能手机。

'Windows 8 was about birthing a new model of applications, essentially a tablet model,' said IDC analyst Al Hilwa. 'Blue is the next milestone in this plan. It brings the phone and PC platform closer together and makes both more compelling.'
国际数据公司(IDC)的分析师席尔瓦(Al Hilwa)说,Windows 8是为了催生一个应用程序的新模式,尤其是一个平板电脑的模式。Blue是该计划的下一个里程碑。它使手机和个人电脑平台的关系更加紧密,让这两种产品都更有吸引力。

The stakes for Windows Blue rose this week when two market research firms reported that shipments of PCs fell by double-digits percentages in the first three months of this year.
Windows Blue的重要性本周进一步上升。两个市场研究公司发布报告说,今年前三个月,个人电脑的出货量出现了两位数的降幅。

Figures from IDC and Gartner Inc. released Wednesday showed Windows 8 hasn't spurred much demand for PCs or tablets running the software. IDC leveled particularly harsh criticism at the software, saying some consumers were turned off by its touch-based interface.
国际数据公司(IDC)和Gartner Inc.周三公布的数据显示,Windows 8还没有能够刺激人们对搭载该软件的个人电脑或平板电脑的太多需求。国际数据公司对这款软件提出了尤其严厉的批评,称这款软件的触屏交互界面让一些消费者选择放弃购买。

The surprisingly steep drop─IDC called it the worst since it began releasing quarterly numbers for the software in 1994─caused a selloff in PC-related stocks Thursday. Microsoft's stock price slipped 4.9% Thursday afternoon to $28.82, after the company's stock price had touched a six-month high Wednesday.