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婚姻生活: 夫妻之间该不该有所隐瞒?


婚姻生活: 夫妻之间该不该有所隐瞒?

In 47 years of marriage, there are a few things Sherri Mills hasn't told her husband, Gerald, such as what she really spends on makeup. Or how she indulges the kids.
结婚47年来,谢莉•米尔斯(Sherri Mills)有几件事没有告诉她的丈夫杰拉尔德•米尔斯(Gerald Mills),比如她真正花在化妆上的时间,比如她有多溺爱孩子。

But these things don't compare with what Ms. Mills calls the 'one real whopper of omission' in her relationship with her husband. It involved her ex-boyfriend, Jim.

In the early years of her marriage, living in the small town of Helper, Utah, Ms. Mills would sometimes run into Jim and his family, with whom she had once been close. Knowing her husband was prone to be jealous and hot-tempered, Ms. Mills would try to avoid her ex-boyfriend or, if that failed, then say as little as possible to him. She knew her husband was suspicious that she might still have feelings for her old flame.

Then Ms. Mills learned that Jim's mother was seriously ill and wanted to see her. Ms. Mills went to the hospital, where the woman made a deathbed request: Would Ms. Mills speak with Jim and encourage him to sell the family-owned business (a bar, then known in Utah as a club) and strive for a more-settled life? The woman believed Jim still loved his ex-girlfriend and would listen.

Ms. Mills decided to try to help, yet she knew she couldn't tell her husband. She made plans see Jim at his sister's house, and brought her toddler son along to make sure the ex wouldn't misunderstand. She stayed 20 minutes, then went home and didn't tell her husband about the meeting for 40 years. 'It kind of ate at me, ' says Ms. Mills . 'But I knew I did the right thing.'

If you think this evasion sounds a lot like lying, you are right. But there are other names for the seemingly harmless lies spouses and romantic partners sometimes tell each other.

Hiding worries or concerns to shield your partner from something unpleasant, or even just to keep the peace? Researchers call this 'protective buffering.' Hiding something to protect yourself, such as how much you spent on your new toy? Researchers call that avoidance. Routine buffering can turn into avoidance or something worse.

Couples often wrongly assume full disclosure is always best, says Sean Horan, a professor of relational communication at DePaul University in Chicago. But even avoidance, when not excessive, can be a 'productive strategy, ' he says. Consider how you'd feel if your partner told you any or all of these:
芝加哥德保罗大学(DePaul University)的人际交流学教授肖恩•霍兰(Sean Horan)说,夫妻经常错误地认为毫无保留总是最好的。但他说,当把握好分寸时,即使逃避也可能是一个“有效的策略”。想想看,如果你的伴侣告诉你下面这些话,你会作何感想:

'I left work early for a drink with that friend you hate.'

'I can't stand your brother.'

'Yes, those jeans make you look fat.'