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灾区动态: 芦山地震灾区的志愿者们

Others were more organised. Feng Guangliang, an evangelical Christian from Hangzhou in east China, said his church formed a rapid-response team after the 2008 quake. Beijing tightly controls religious activities but independent churches are increasingly being tolerated when they operate in crisis areas.

“We wanted a way to show God’s love,” said Mr Feng. “We bought a car that we keep in Chengdu, so we can be quick to arrive when there are earthquakes.”

The government has tried to harness such enthusiasm via an official volunteer programme.

“There were hundreds of people in line when we signed up to volunteer,” said Yang Ya, a 21-year-old who wandered through Shengli with his friends carrying a Chinese flag and a Communist flag. But the young men, who grew up in nearby Fenghuan village, were unsure how they would be able to help.

Government rapid- response teams also had a large visible presence. The narrow mountain roads near the disaster zones were crammed with earth diggers, water trucks, ambulances and military convoys. Mobile phone repair crews were also mobilised and service had been restored to much of the area by last night.

But not all of the official rescue efforts have gone smoothly. A convoy carrying thousands of tents was unable to reach the quake zone because the tents were loaded on to trucks too big for the mountain roads.

As a result, many families spent their first night after the earthquake in makeshift shelters they pitched on the street. Villagers also complained of a lack of food and water, since water supplies have been cut off.

“So many people come here but they all come empty-handed,” complained Yuan Shihua, a former village head of a hamlet in Taiping county. “There are lots of doctors, but we don’t have water or electricity. We’ve had no supplies delivered yesterday or today.”