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10个日常好习惯 让你的生活变得更简单

2013-05-01来源:positivity blog
6. Stop trying to do things perfectly.

Go for good enough instead and when you are there you are done. Get things all the way to done this way and then move on to the next thing. Setting this more human bar for yourself not only leads to more things actually being finished but also helps with keeping your self-esteem on a healthy level. Perfectionism makes it pretty impossible to find or maintain high self-esteem.

7. Eat slower.

Make your lunch time a time of relaxation rather than a time to just add to the stress of your morning. One thing that works well to slow down when eating is to put down the fork between bites.

8. Enjoy the simple pleasures.

A pear. Fresh and clean bed sheets. A hug and kiss. Holding hands. A laugh with friends. The sun and blossoming nature after a long and cold winter.

9. Write everything down.

Pretty much everyone’s memory is leaky. So help yourself. Write down what you need to do or shop for today. Write down your ideas before they fly away. Write down the one habit or area you are focusing on right now in your life and put that note where you can see it every day. Like on your bedside table or bathroom mirror.

10. Breathe.

When you are stressed, lost in a problem or the past or future in your mind breathe with your belly for a minute or two and just focus on the air going in and out. This will calm your body down and bring your mind back into the present moment again. And it is actually sometimes enough to just do this for a 20-30 seconds to create remarkable effect inside of yourself.