第三个“黑即是白”观点,见于咨询顾问乔丹??科恩(Jordan Cohen)在《哈佛商业评论》网站上发表的一篇文章。该文章鼓吹的是另一股新潮流。科恩认为,给员工下指令(支撑组织运作的另一个重要原则)是不好的,我们不应该这样做。接着,他先用一则有趣的轶事来“证明”这一点,然后又搬出了神经科学。他说,当人们遵循指令行事的时候,“大脑情绪反射中枢事实上会促使人的认知机能下降”。
I'm always suspicious of non-neuroscientist writers who use the science as a way of bullying me into submission. All they are saying is: here is something I don't understand and neither do you, but I'm ordering you to accept it because a neuroscientist told me.
Thanks, but I'd rather stick with what I have observed to be the case after decades of paying attention: that most employees need instruction, although what they don't need is micromanaging. I also can't help thinking that if Mr Cohen found himself in hospital having an operation on one of the “response centers” in his brain, he might not like it if the hospital staff were told: cut into this man's brain in whatever way feels right for you.
The final example is described in an article being plugged on LinkedIn, called: “How to Retain Talent? Teach Them to Leave, Says KBS+.” It tells how KBS+, a New York advertising agency, is teaching staff how to start their own businesses and – guess what? – some are taking the opportunity and quitting to do just that. But never mind: KBS+ insists this is a great way of keeping staff motivated. It sounds a pretty far-fetched way of keeping people to me. Making their jobs more interesting and saying the odd “thank you” might be a better – and cheaper – way of doing it.
So white isn't the new black, after all. Black is black, white is white, and any company that has a mathematical symbol as part of its name is sending a clear sign to the world that it dispensed with logic a long time ago.