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2013-05-16来源:time management
3. Finish to Done

Another reason your load may be too big is that you do not ever fully complete things. Starting tasks is easy, but finishing them is hard. You start many tasks, but do not see them to completion. A few items completed is always more effective than many things begun.

4. Don't Do Everything Yourself

Busy people are often guilty of trying to do everything themselves. They don't delegate, either because they are too busy to do so, or they believe that someone else could not do it as well as they can. Delegation, where appropriate, is a key skill to productivity. Ensure you are not keeping tasks that would be better served by someone else.

5. Set Clear Expectations

Clear expectations are essential to efficient workflow. "Who is going to do that?" "When is it going to get done?" Have you ever found yourself working on something, only to find out that someone else was also doing it? No one was clear about whose todo list it was on.
明确预期是有效的工作流程所必不可少的。“谁去做?” “什么时候完成?” 你有没有发现当自己在忙的时候,却发现别人也在做同样的事?没人清楚自己的代办事项清单中要做的事。

6. Defend Your Time

Do you defend your time? If not, people will steal it. Why is it acceptable to let people take our time? We wouldn't let them steal our money, yet time seems to be free game. You need to be ruthless in protecting your most valuable resource: your time. Ensure that you have first priority on your time and do not let others unnecessarily waste it. (A good method for this is to"Block Your Time.")

It is difficult to perform at your best when you are under too much weight from your tasks and obligations. Keeping yourself from getting in an overloaded status is important. Be aware of what you are carrying. Make choices on what you take on.And take charge of your time and tasks.