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2013-05-20来源:time management ninja
Does the company fail to meet goals and objectives? – You may not think that your company failing to reach its goals is a direct result of procrastination.

However, in many environments it is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Work and projects are not successfully completed on time and then executives wonder why the company is not succeeding.

Do people regularly skip out? If your office is a ghost town by 3PM every Friday, it is a pretty good sign that procrastination is running rampant.

What do you think? Is your company sick? Is procrastination the norm or does your company drive productivity and results?

How Do You Avoid Catching the Procrastination?

Procrastination is a habit that is not quickly or easily resolved. It takes long term effort and the forming of new productivity habits.

Here are some short term tips to help prevent you and your company from catching the procrastination illness:

Learn from those who are getting it done– Get a mentor who is productive from which you can learn.

Don’t hang out with the procrastinators– This one seems obvious, but cannot be overstated. You need to stop hanging out with those who are not meeting deadlines. Those who are always late. Those who are taking 2 hour lunches.

Hold yourself accountable- Even when others are not, hold yourself accountable to being on time and getting things done by prescribed deadlines.

Make sure your workspace is workable–Make sure that your area of work is suitable for productive work. If it is a mess, clean it up. If others make it loud or unworkable, find a quiet area to work. Every Monday morning I used to go to a meeting room by myself while my co-workers debriefed the weekend for the first 3 hours of the day.