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和闺密一起去逛街:你会花更多钱 但也会更开心!


Shopping with friends may be bad news for your bank balance, but at least you'll get your money's worth.

Experts found two thirds (62 per cent) of women who trawl the shops with a female friend will spend more money than those who venture to the high street on their own.

Girls tend to fork out £37.25 more each time they go out with their friends than when they go alone.

和闺密一起去逛街:你会花更多钱 但也会更开心!

The study also shows that over the course of one year ladies will spend up to £894 more than if they had gone on a spree unaccompanied.

But it’s not all bad news, as two thirds of women feel more confident in the clothes they have bought if they have had the opinion of their friends while trying them on.

And the same percentage feels happier after hitting the shops in good company, than alone.

A spokeswoman for Liverpool ONE, which commissioned the study of 2,000 women, said: 'Shopping with friends, while sometimes a more costly experience, can often be far more enjoyable than going to the high street alone.
利物浦时尚零售购物中心Liverpool ONE的一个女发言人说:“与闺蜜逛街,尽管有时候是一个更奢侈的经历,但可以比起独自逛街获得更多的享受。” 她委托进行这项研究调查了2000个女性。

'Girlfriends are great to have around as they’ll happily help you choose something to wear, will love to help you accessorise and will give an honest opinion in the changing rooms. When shopping alone, it is easy to decide not to bother buying anything if you’re not sure whether outfits are complementary, and if your guilty conscience wins.