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2013-05-24来源:life hack
6. Drop any expectations you have in the world.

We want things to go in a certain way, people to behave in the way we expect them to, and so on. Just put all these expectations aside and allow yourself to get rid of the pressure. For 10 minutes, you are allowed to immerse yourself into freedom and inner peace. And, by the way, since you’re there, you may decide to stay a bit more…

7. Chocolate time.

I realize a lot of people watch their calorie intake, and this tip may raise some eyebrows. To note, it is not something to do on a regular basis, but from time to time, just get your favorite chocolate and eat it with no remorse. Forget about carbs, fats, or calories and simply enjoy a sweet moment in time.
我知道很多人对自己的卡路里摄入量都很警觉,很多人看到这一条会很惊讶。要注意,这不是让你定期地去做,而是偶尔,拿出你最爱的巧克力毫无顾忌的吃。忘记那些碳水化合物、 脂肪或卡路里,只是简单地享受甜蜜时刻。

8. Do something crazy.

Do you always follow the rules? Well, it’s time to get out of your comfort zone and do something crazy — something that you don’t usually do, but that you secretly want to do. Or at least plan it. Don’t worry, it will be our little secret.

9. Lock the door, press play, and dance like there’s no tomorrow.

Oh, yes! Let all the negative energy melt away. The walls need to see some crazy moves, so don’t be shy. You can put on your suit and attend that boring meeting afterwards. But now, it’s show time!

10. Get out in the park, in a forest, or close your eyes and memorize the last time you went there.

Allow nature to embrace you. Feel the inner peace… and smile!

11. Run at full speed for 10 minutes.

If you’re not in good shape, don’t try this, but do some other form of physical activity you are comfortable with. This releases endorphins, and you will feel better instantly.

These are just a few ideas to get you started. I kept the biggest tip for the end though: don’t look for reasons to smile outside, but inside yourself. Better yet, if you don’t find any, create them! It only takes a few minutes.