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The list of electronic aids available on new cars today resembles the menu for a Chinese restaurant. There are devices to help drivers steer, brake, see, change lanes, avoid collisions, and parallel park. The self-driving autonomous car may become reality by 2020, as experts believe, but no one need wait for its GPS systems and laser radar to become commercialized until it gets here. Some high-end new models practically drive themselves.

I'm in favor of anything that makes driving safer, easier, and more efficient. But danger can lurk in unexpected places. What happens if you exchange your Starship Enterprise for an older model or one that is less well-equipped? Expect the cruise control to automatically keep you from colliding with the vehicle in front of you the way your Acura RLX does? Sorry, the car you're driving doesn't have an adaptive system that applies the brakes. CRASH!

With that in mind, I've composed an admittedly very personal list of essential assists that should be in every car. Some are for safety, others provide data, and still others make the ride more comfortable and entertaining. Their common denominator is that I miss them when they aren't there. Your own choices may differ, but here are mine:

1. Push-button ignition/keyless start

I love walking up to a car that unlocks and lights up by itself and then starts without pulling the key out of your pocket or purse. Yes, there is always the danger of forgetting to hand the key over to the parking valet, but that is a small price to pay for the convenience -- especially on a cold day.

2. Rearview camera/backup warning system

Several times, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has delayed rules for rear visibility that would require backup cameras since Congress required them in 2007, but they can't come fast enough for me. It is much safer to watch a screen on your dashboard that has helpful yellow guide lines than to twist your neck over the back of your seat, look around for blind spots, and then try to back up. And don't omit those helpful beep beep beeps that let you know when you've gotten too close.
美国国会早在2007年就要求私家车必须安装倒车摄像头,不过美国国家公路交通安全管理局(National Highway Traffic Safety Administration)已然数次推迟了强制安装倒车摄像头的法规。但是倒车摄像头对我来说太必要了。有了它之后,你只需要对着中控台上的屏幕以及屏幕上的黄色倒车线进行操作就行了,这比扭着脖子朝后看有没有盲点要安全得多,另外还有非常有用的“滴滴滴”的声音,提示你是否离后面的东西太近了。

3. Adaptive cruise control

It's real helpful in traffic when you have it; real dangerous if you think it is there -- and it isn't. Partial versions slow you down while others bring you to a complete stop. Though Lexus brought the first system to the U.S. in 2000, many domestic models didn't begin offering it until a decade later.

4. Blind spot detection

It's a radar-based system that detects vehicles travelling in parallel lanes and uses blinking lights in rear-view mirrors to warn when one is in the blind spot. It's very helpful in preventing you from veering into occupied space, along with the attendant horn-honking and name-calling. More advanced intervention systems apply the brakes to nudge the car out of danger.

5. Navigation system

Manufacturer-installed or aftermarket, they save lots of hassle (except for those odd times when they lead you astray). Even if you know where you're going, you can program the navi to find out what time you are expected to arrive -- and then try to beat the clock.