If you didn't have your own credit card in college or didn't use it, you may not have much of a credit record at all. In that case, a landlord might not lease you an apartment without your parents cosigning. (That's another reason to be nice to them!)
To build a credit record, you should have one or two credit cards and use them at least every couple of months to show you can pay your bills responsibly. Paying student loans on time also will help build a good credit history.
Avoid unnecessary fees. To make your budget work, look for free checking accounts at a local credit union or an online account. Avoid automated-teller-machine fees and link your savings account to your checking account so that you'll never pay an overdraft fee. Pay your bills on time to avoid late fees and in full to avoid interest.
4. 避免不必要的开支。要让你的预算得以实施,你可以到当地信用社或通过网上账户获得免费的支票账户。尽量不要产生自动提款机手续费,把你的储蓄账户与你的支票账户相关联,这样你就不用支付透支的费用了。按时支付账单,避免产生滞纳金,全额支付账单,避免产生利息。
Use your social network. Your friends are used to sharing information, so take advantage of each other's knowledge. Don't post your bank balance or salary online─that's tacky─but don't be shy about asking other recent grads what they pay for rent, car insurance or Internet service. Remember what you learned in college: It's good to be friends with someone who did the homework.
5. 利用你的社交网络。你的朋友们习惯于共享信息,因此,要互相利用别人了解的信息。不要在网上贴出你的银行存款余额或工资──那样也太傻了──但是也不要羞于启齿问问其他最近毕业的学生他们的房租、汽车保险费或上网费是多少。记住你在大学期间学到的这一点:与做了功课的人为友是件好事。
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