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极端天气使小麦减产 英国农民望"粮"哀叹


Wet autumn followed by cold spring has led to one of the smallest harvests in a generation, hitting food production.

The wettest autumn since records began,followed by the coldest spring in 50 years,has devastated British wheat, forcing foodmanufacturers to import nearly 2.5m tonnes of the crop.

"Normally we export around 2.5m tonnes of wheat but this year we expect to have to import 2.5m tonnes," said Charlotte Garbutt, a senior analyst at the industry-financed Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board. "The crop that came through the winter has struggled and is patchy and variable. The area of wheat grown this year has been much smaller."
“在正常情况下,英国会有将近250万吨的小麦出口量,但是今年却要进口250万吨”由行业资助的农业和园艺发展局(Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board)的高级分析师夏洛特·加布特(Charlotte Garbutt)说道,"经历了一个寒冬的作物生长艰难,脆弱多变。今年的小麦产地面积变得更加少了。"


Analysts expect a harvest of 11m-12m tonnes, one of the smallest in a generation, after many farmers grubbed up their failing, waterlogged crops and replanted fields with barley. According to a National Farmers Unionpoll of 76 cereal growers covering 16,000 hectares, nearly 30% less wheat than usual is being grown in Britain this year.
分析师预计,在农民铲掉生长失败的麦种以及受涝的作物,重新移植麦种后,今年的小麦的收成量会有1100万到1200万吨,是十年来最少的一次。根据一份全国农民联盟(National Farmers Union)对来自1.6万公顷种植地的76名谷种植者所作的调查显示,今年英国的小麦种植少了将近30%。

Britain is usually the EU's third biggest wheat grower but it will be a net importer for the first time in 11 years. "Our poll is a snapshot but it is extremely worrying. If this plays out nationally, we will be below average production for the second year in a row," said NFU crops chair Andrew Watts. "If the experts are to be believed and extreme weatheris to become more frequent, we must look at ways of supporting the industry."
英国一直以来都是欧盟的第三大小麦种植国,但是,在未来11年间,英国将首次成为小麦的净进口国。“虽然我们的调查得出的只是初步的结果,但这也令人十分担忧,”全国农民联盟作物主席安德鲁·华兹(Andrew Watts)说:“若专家们的话是正确的,而这种极端恶劣天气又频繁出现的话,我们必须要找到方法来拯救我们的产业。”