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极端天气使小麦减产 英国农民望"粮"哀叹

Food prices are unlikely to rise significantly as a result of the poor British harvests, because these are determined by international trade. However, cereal food producer Weetabix had to halt productionof some of its breakfast cereals as a result of the disastrous wheat harvest in April.

The full impact of the hard winter is only now being seen, according to the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Its latest analysis says the total income from farming decreased by ㏒737min 2012 to ㏒4.7bn, with farmers facing both crop losses and higher costs to feed their animals.
环境部和食品与农务部(Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs)表示,严冬带来的影响还不止这些。根据其最新的调查,农业总收入在2012年为47亿英磅,减少了7.37亿英磅。农民们不仅要遭受作物减产带来的损失,而且还得花更多的钱购买饲料来喂养牲畜。

Earlier this year the British Agriculture Bureau said flooding in the UK had caused ㏒1.3bn in damage in 2012.
今年年初,英国农业局(British Agriculture Bureau)称,英国的洪涝灾害致使在2012年遭受13亿的损失。

This week, the UN and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development reported that environmental factors such as droughts, bad harvests and lack of land were likely to limit the growth of global food output. Agricultural production is expected to grow 1.5% a year on average over the coming decade, compared with annual growth of 2.1% between 2003 and 2012. Another widespread drought like the one experienced last year in the US and elsewhere could raise crop prices by 15%-40%, it said.
本周,来自联合国和经济合作和发展组织(Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)的报道称,一些环境因素,诸如旱灾、减产和土地流失很有可能会制约全球粮食产量的增长。在未来的十年中,农业产量的预期年均增长率为1.5%,而2003年到2012年的产量年均增长为2.1%。报道还称,像去年发生在美国以及其他地区的影响广泛的旱灾会使得作物价格增长15%-40%。