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6. She's an ace at volleyball

At 5ft 10in, Wendi is an accomplished sportswoman and was coached in volleyball at high school in China. She was head of her school's athletic association and also plays basketball and badminton.

7. She's a great match for Murdoch

Friends are agreed that Wendi and Rupert are very much in love, and that it's her head for business and humour that makes him tick. She has played a key role in the expansion of News Corp in China and is widely acknowledged as being a major influence on Rupert's running of the company. According to Michael Wolff, author of a Murdoch biography, "She reminds me in a certain way of Rupert himself. She is out to do what she wants to do. That really makes you someone to be reckoned with and someone who ultimately seems quite fearless."

8. She makes Murdoch drink protein shakes

... with fruit and soy, along with making him exercise at 6am in the morning - something Rupert admitted to in a rare interview with Vanity Fair. The secret to his never-ending energy, perchance?

9. She's mates with Nicole Kidman

Wendi is often pictured with the Oscar-winning actress around town and Nicole is godparent to her and Rupert's children - along with Hugh Jackman. Bono, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, Tony Blair and Ivanka Trump are also counted among close friends of the couple.