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All our technological advancements have been achieved by nerds, so we have a ways to go before robots know how to talk to girls. Being romantic in any situation is easy. It takes comfort in your own skin, a lot of inner confidence, and a smile. Beyond that, everything else is easy. So how do you achieve all that with a girl?


1. Prepare in Advance

Everything in life is easier when you’re prepared. No matter how smart you are, preparation is indispensable. Sure Jackie Chan can make do with whatever he has available, but it’s nice to have an Arnold or Brad Pitt level of gear stored up. Be prepared for any situation you leave the house for. This doesn’t mean to carry a gear bag with you. It means any time you go out, prepare for those situations. Meeting a broad at the supermarket can happen if you time it right and have the right grocery list.

2. Read and study

The only way to be confident in any situation is by having things to talk about no matter what happens. Going out, and reading (even internet research when done correctly) will broaden your horizons and give you a variety of subjects to talk about. Keep up on the news, sports, and have a background in a few things. Be honest when you don’t know what you’re talking about. Trust is important to build romance.

3. Be Open and Honest

As long as you’re always honest, you’ll always be open. When you’re open, you’ll attract the right people into your life at the right times. You never know who will be in the same mood as you and where romance will come from, so as long as you’re open and honest with everyone you talk to, you’ll always remain open for romance.