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4. Learn to Love Yourself

If you love yourself, you’ll be the type of person who draws people to you. This means you’re more attractive. By being more attractive, you’re more likely to realize your attraction and act more attractive. This increases your odds of romance spurring up at any moment, no matter what your life is like.

5. Be Discreet

If you’re in a marriage or relationship, don’t rub it in everyone’s face. Be polite and honest when asked, and respect the boundaries of the relationship. Other than that, act normal in public. Your significant other will be more likely to get freaky when they’re comfortable. You’ll also attract other women you can either store for later if your relationship isn’t serious or use to get ahead in life, your career, etc. It’s always nice to have attractive friends to keep things interesting. Just make sure you can look yourself in the mirror.

6. Surprise People

Everyone loves to be surprised in the right ways. Find ways to ignite a spark in the room. Keep some good dark chocolate on you at all times. If you know how to make some small craft, keep a few in a drawer in your room. If you’re not crafty, keep some cheap but tasteful jewelry in some luggage. Either way, always have something on hand to pull out spur of the moment to surprise your woman. Chicks dig surprises.

7. Be Happy and Assertive

As long as you’re smiling and assertive (without being bossy), you will be in control of your life. When you’re in control of your life, you’re able to assertively get whatever you want. If you want romance, go out and create it. Life is yours for the taking.