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When you need to orient yourself

It's not uncommon to arrive at a new job only to find there's not so much as a desk or a phone ready for you.

If your new job doesn't start with even the basics of an orientation program, "be prepared to onboard yourself. Make a plan, " says Todd Hudson. Show initiative and "put your best foot forward."

Suleman recommends starting your own orientation before you even start the job, by contacting the person who hired you.

"Email them a week before you start. Say, 'I am so excited to come to work. I was wondering what the first week is going to be like. Is there anything I can do to prepare?' You will trigger a response."

You probably explored the company's website when you were searching for a job. If no one steps in to show you the ropes in the first hours or even days in your new position, use the website to collect information. Hudsonrecommends checking out the FAQs, the organization chart and other basics.

"Take responsibility. Make lists of information you need. Talk to people. Start to build your network, " Hudson says.

If the company doesn't provide you with a buddy, find one, perhaps the person who referred you for the job. Take the person to lunch and ask about his or her first day with the company.

And don't be afraid to advertise to your coworkers that you're new on the job, he adds. Hudson recommends putting that information in the signature line of your email, along with your job title and where you're located. "Encourage people to contact you and help."

It's odd that people are reluctant to broadcast "I'm the new guy, " he says. "Today, when somebody joins an organization people say 'thank goodness they finally hired somebody.'"

"People will start replying, saying here's some background on this project, some information you probably didn't get. They'll cut you some slack when they see that you're new and you're open to being helped."