Like insects, algae - and seaweed - could be used in food without us really knowing. Scientists have already used it to replace the salt in bread and processed food, and it will almost certainly replace other ingredients in the years ahead.
(GM) food has faced massive resistance from a sceptical public, but some scientists think GM may be the only way to adequately feed the world’s growing population in the decades to come. Next year it’s thought trials will start of golden rice: normal rice modified to produce beta-carotene (which is converted by the body into vitamin A), which could reduce the incidence of blindness and childhood disease in the developing world.
Also on the menu of the near future will be green super rice, a conventionally-bred variety, which is more resistant to disease and drought and could help feed another 100 million people.
Scientists have calculated that, at current rates of population growth, every acre of arable land needs to be twice as productive in 2050 as it is today if we’re to feed everyone on the planet.
Brian Wansink, an expert on food marketing, believes that the food of the future will be healthy. He doesn’t think we’ll all have replaced doughnuts with apples, but he thinks the doughnuts will be far better for us than they are now. New techniques will be developed to take the fat from food while leaving the taste intact.
The rising price of food will persuade many of us to put back gardens, allotments and even window boxes to good use.
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