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China's Internet users mourned the deaths of two Chinese students in the Asiana Airlines plane crash at San Francisco airport Saturday. But they cheered news that so many of the country's citizens escaped with their lives while also noting that it was astonishing to see passengers escaping with their luggage, too.
上周六韩亚航空(Asiana Airlines)飞机在旧金山失事造成两名中国学生丧生,中国网民表示哀悼;但同时对机上多名中国公民生还感到庆幸;不过他们也表示,部分乘客带着行李撤离令人诧异。

Chinese filled almost half the 291 passenger seats on Asiana Airlines Flight 214 when it landed hard in San Francisco and skidded off the runway after a flight from Seoul. China's consulate in San Francisco said 120 of its citizens were confirmed as OK, indicating up to 19 could be injured among the total 141 on board.

Among the lucky majority who walked away from the jetliner crash was a woman in a green blouse. Even as black smoke billowed from the broken fuselage behind her, she was photographed wheeling away a giant suitcase and with another bag over her shoulder.


While the woman's identity and nationality weren't apparent, many on the Internet drew their own conclusions about her and others photographed tugging bags away from the wreck. 'When I see people escaping the plane with their luggage I know they must be Chinese,' said one user on Sina Corp.'s Twitter-like service, Weibo.

Around the world, flight attendants routinely use the plane's public address system to thank passengers moments after a jetliner lands, welcoming them to the destination point.

But the message is usually a bit different on flights crowded with Chinese passengers because one or two Chinese passengers typically stand and start gathering their belongings from overhead bins, sometimes before the craft has touched down. Flight attendant admonishments are common: 'Please return to your seats!'

It is unclear what instructions the Asiana crew gave to passengers on Flight 214 and in what language. There were 12 flight attendants on board. Asiana says it can't immediately confirm how many speak Chinese.