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Grabbing bags on the plane didn't put anyone in danger, according to crash survivor Xu Da. The executive of Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.'s Taobao service was among the first to publicize the crash in Chinese. Writing on Weibo, he said that after the plane stopped, 'we immediately grabbed our luggage. My wife was very calm and organized the belongings.'
该飞机乘客之一的徐达表示,拿行李的行为没有影响其他人逃生。徐达是阿里巴巴集团(Alibaba Group)旗下淘宝网(Taobao)的一名管理人员,他是第一批以中文叙述此次事故的人。徐达在微博上写道,飞机停下后,他和老婆赶紧起身拿行李,老婆很镇静,还把零散的东西收拾好装起来。

By Sunday, between posts about the blue skies in San Francisco, he was defending the action in response to widespread criticism.

'The three of us were sitting in the same row and the luggage compartment was just overhead,' Mr Xu wrote. 'We didn't block the aisle. Our passports and money were in the bags. If we didn't grab them, we would have been in trouble…'

Surviving a jetliner crash is rare enough. And it's mantra that getting out quickly after impact offers the best chance of living. Furthermore, airline safety experts warn escape slides can get pierced by sharp objects, so instruct anyone exiting during an emergency to remove spiky heels and jewelry and forget the luggage.

Others on the Internet defended the passengers, with one saying that their actions were 'instinctive.' No one could be expected to be thinking rationally at such a moment, the poster said.

Mr. Xu explained that the emergency exit was anything but by-the-book for his wife and son, who were seated near the rear of Asiana's Boeing 777. The plane's tail was broken off, leaving a big round hole where the kitchen galley had been. They just jumped out the back, no slide needed.

'When the crash happened, everyone rushed to the front,' Mr. Xu wrote. 'My son said we could go through the back, which is how we got out.'