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The Asiana Airlines jet that crashed while landing at San Francisco International Airport, killing two Chinese teenagers and injuring 182 others, was descending at a dangerously slow speed and pilots apparently ran out of time to correct their approach, investigators said Sunday.
韩亚航空(Asiana Airlines)客机在美国旧金山国际机场(San Francisco International Airport)降落过程中失事,造成两名中国青少年死亡,182人受伤。调查人员周日说,该飞机以非常危险的低速降落,而且表面看来飞行员已没有时间进行纠正。

While stopping short of pinpointing pilot error as the likely cause of the fiery crash Saturday, National Transportation Safety Board Chairman Deborah Hersman's comments indicated investigators were focused primarily on why the cockpit crew allowed speed to decay to such an extent─and failed to take decisive action until the Boeing 777 was less than two seconds from impact.
美国全国运输安全委员会(National Transportation Safety Board)主席赫斯曼(Deborah Hersman)的评论表明,虽然还没有确定飞行员操作失误是造成周六严重坠机事故的可能原因,但调查人员基本上把重点放在了两方面,一是驾驶舱机组人员为何会允许这架波音777飞机的速度慢到这样一个程度,二是他们直到该飞机还有不到两秒钟着陆之前一直未采取果断措施。


The overnight flight from Seoul, with 307 people on board, including 16 crew members, hit a rocky sea wall, which sheared off its tail and landing gear, then slammed onto the runway, skidded, spun off the tarmac and erupted into flames.

Some passengers and witnesses said it looked as if the aircraft was too close to San Francisco Bay as it approached the runway.

'There was no feeling of anything wrong. No announcement. Then suddenly the plane went bam, bam, bam, bam,' said Fawen Yan, a 48-year-old resident of the San Francisco Bay area who was sitting in economy class.
坐在失事飞机经济舱里的48岁旧金山湾地区居民Fawen Yan说,没有感觉到任何异常,也没有听到任何通知,飞机突然就发出“砰、砰、砰”的声音。

Remarkably, 123 passengers walked away without major injuries after exiting from emergency slides or leaping from gaping holes in the burned body of the plane.

China's Ministry of Education said 70 of those aboard were Chinese students or their teachers bound for U.S. precollege exchange programs. Among them, according to Asiana and Chinese officials, were Wang Linjia and Ye Mengyuan, who were killed in the crash.

In the first on-scene briefing by the NTSB, Ms. Hersman said a preliminary readout of the plane's flight-data and cockpit-voice recorders indicated that everything was normal─with no discussion of any onboard problems or concerns about the visual approach in good weather─until just seven seconds before impact.

At that point, she told reporters, the cockpit crew realized the plane was flying too slowly. 'The speed was significantly below' the designated approach speed of roughly 160 miles per hour.

Three seconds later, a stall-warning activated in the cockpit, indicating the jet was losing aerodynamic lift, Ms. Hersman said. The crew didn't act to sharply increase engine thrust and try to climb away from the runway─conducting what is called a 'go-around'─until 1.5 seconds before impact, she said.

The safety board believes 'the engines appear to respond normally' to those commands, Ms. Hersman said, but by then it was too late to recover and portions of the lumbering jet slammed into the sea wall in front of the strip.

Ms. Hersman stressed that there was 'no prior distress call' from the cockpit crew, which should have been able to rely on both ground-based and onboard landing aids to 'establish an approach path' to safely reach the beginning of the runway.

Since the jet was on a visual approach in excellent weather, 'you don't need instruments to get into the airport' safely,' Ms. Hersman said.

In another significant disclosure, she said investigators 'haven't identified any specific similarities' between Saturday's crash and the 2008 belly landing of another Boeing 777, operated by British Airways, IAG.MC -1.16% on final approach to London's Heathrow International Airport. Investigators determined the British jet's engines were starved of fuel after chunks of ice blocked its fuel system. Nobody was injured, but the incident prompted changes to the 777's fuel systems.
她说,调查人员尚未确定上周六的飞机失事与2008年英国航空公司(British Airways)运营的一架波音777飞机腹部着陆事件之间有任何具体的相似之处。英航的飞机是在伦敦希思罗国际机场(Heathrow International Airport)降落时发生事故的。这可以说又是一项重大的信息披露。调查人员确认英航的飞机被冰块阻断了燃油系统,引擎严重缺油。在那起事故中,无人受伤,但事故促使工程人员对波音777飞机的燃油系统进行了改进。

Taken together, the preliminary data and Ms. Hersman's early description strongly suggest investigators are leaning away from mechanical or other system failures as the likely culprit.

A young co-pilot with significantly less experience than the captain of the aircraft was at the controls of the Boeing 777 when it crashed, according to people familiar with the situation.

The co-pilot, believed to be 'around 30 years old,' according to people familiar with the situation, was following a routine visual approach. None of the pilots radioed flight controllers about any onboard problems or declared an emergency, according to preliminary reports.