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There were four pilots in the cockpit during the approach: the captain, co-pilot, a 'relief pilot' and a fourth pilot, who may not have been on duty at the time. None of the pilots sustained any significant injuries, said people familiar with the situation.

After spending the night at the airport, the pilots checked into a San Francisco hotel Sunday. NTSB and Korean investigators tentatively scheduled interviews with the crew for Monday.

The last major U.S. air accident occurred in 2009, when a Bombardier Dash-8 Q400 flown by regional carrier Colgan Air crashed on approach to Buffalo Niagara International Airport, killing 50 people.
美国上一次发生严重空难是在2009年,当时地区航空公司Colgan Air运营的一架庞巴迪(Bombardier) Dash-8 Q400在布法罗尼亚加拉国际机场(Buffalo Niagara International Airport)降落时坠毁,造成50人死亡。

At a news conference in Seoul midafternoon Sunday, Asiana President Yoon Young-doo and a group of executives bowed in apology. Mr. Yoon called the accident 'regretful.'
周日下午在首尔举行的新闻发布会上,韩亚航空总裁尹永斗(Yoon Young-doo)和高管们鞠躬道歉。尹永斗称这起事故“令人遗憾”。

The airline doesn't believe the accident was caused by an engine or mechanical problem, Mr. Yoon said, but added that all facts related to the investigation would be announced by the NTSB. Mr. Yoon also said the pilots on the flight were veterans with around 10,000 hours of flying time each.

One issue likely to come under review by investigators is the overall experience and hand-flying skills of the pilots, who couldn't rely on all elements of an airport instrument-landing system as a backstop.

Since last month, pilots landing at the busy airport have been warned that one type of approach aid has been temporarily turned off while work is under way to improve the strip. Alternate ground-based aids were functioning as the Asiana jet descended with both engines on idle.

In the cockpit, according to investigators and industry safety experts, there also should have been alerts if a landing plane is descending too quickly or its trajectory threatens to take it short of the runway threshold.

If onboard flight-control and speed management systems were working normally as the safety board suggests, then 'guidance was available to the crew' about an approach that was becoming dangerously slow and low, said safety consultant John Cox, a former airline pilot and accident investigator.
安全顾问考克斯(John Cox)说,如果机上飞行控制和速度管理系统如安全委员会所说运行正常,那么在飞机进场速度和高度过低时机组是能够获得引导的。考克斯曾做过飞行员和事故调查员。

While visual approaches typically don't require any assistance from instrument-landing systems, safety experts said some airlines prefer to have pilots rely on them as an additional safeguard under nearly all circumstances.

Investigators also are expected to examine if pilot fatigue or flight-control problems contributed to the accident, and whether air-traffic control instructions may have been a factor.

The aircraft should have been flying roughly 100 or 150 feet above the airport's surface when its tires or tail apparently smacked into a stretch of the sea wall and the jet began breaking apart, experts said. Large pieces of the tail section and scrape marks were visible near the sea wall, and both left and right portions of the landing gear were found hundreds of yards away from the main wreckage.

Despite the Asiana jet losing both left and right landing gear, its rear bulkhead, portions of the wings and at least one engine, early reports indicated that the crew and airport emergency officials quickly evacuated most passengers, before an intense fire melted its aluminum skin and left a giant gash replacing what had been the top half of the middle of the fuselage.

The Boeing 777 has had a nearly unblemished record, and previously was among a small group of long-range jets from Boeing and Airbus to have never sustained a fatality in passenger service.

The worst U.S. accident before the 2009 Colgan crash came in 2001, when an American Airlines Airbus A300 crashed on Long Island, N.Y., shortly after taking off from John F. Kennedy International Airport, killing 265 people.
2009年Colgan航空公司空难发生前,美国最严重的一次空难发生在2001年,当时美国航空公司(American Airlines)的一架空客A300客机在从肯尼迪国际机场(John F. Kennedy International Airport)起飞后不久在纽约长岛坠毁,造成265人死亡。