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My husband, Clay, does the laundry. He also cooks a mean dinner and manages our 7-year-old's schedule with the seamless precision of the Blue Angels.
我丈夫克莱(Clay)负责洗衣服。他晚餐做得也不赖,另外,他还负责安排我们七岁女儿的日程表,精准度甚至可以媲美“蓝天使”特技飞行队(Blue Angels)。

Clay loves what he does, and he's proud that he does it all so well. But, he also concedes, it comes with a price.

Clay resents the perception that some people (including some readers) have that he is henpecked, or that he doesn't contribute enough to the family. He has at times felt isolated among stay-at-home moms, or shunned by the dads who find his situation odd, or threatening.

Amid all the talk of women "leaning in" to their careers, Clay says that he would like to hear more stories about men who are leaning into their families, as he did after shutting down his contracting business when the housing market collapsed nearly three years ago.

So for Clay, this is one of those stories.

Clay never anticipated being a stay-at-home father. Seeing his business succumb despite his best efforts to keep it going was sad and stressful for both of us.

But when I was offered a promotion, he encouraged me to take it, even though it involved frequent travel and would require him to become a full-time parent. Our daughter was 4 years old at the time, and he felt he could do the greatest good for the family by being there for her—and for me.

Although society has progressed in its acceptance of stay-at-home fathers, Clay feels that outside of larger urban areas, including in parts of our small town, traditional attitudes remain more entrenched.

"My pat reply to 'What do you do?' is that 'Laura earns our income and I try to do most everything else, ' "he says. "Sometimes, depending on who's listening, the 'everything else' feels weak."

Early on, he felt isolated as most of the other parents he would meet in preschool were women. If he wanted to set up a play date with another child, he would give the mother his email address and phone number, but felt odd asking for contact details in return, as he didn't want her to think he was hitting on her.

He was also careful about where play dates would occur, especially after an unpleasant experience at the house of one of our daughter's classmates. When the child's father came home unexpectedly, the mood suddenly turned tense, even though my husband was just sitting while the kids played in front of them.

"Perhaps he was just having a rough day, but I would never have greeted a guest in my home with the cold surprise that he greeted me with, " Clay says. "It's a standout memory, but not in a good way."