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Steven Sinofsky, who led the development of the criticised Windows 8 operating system before leaving Microsoft last November, has been given shares worth $14m.
史蒂文•辛诺夫斯基(Steven Sinofsky)将获得价值1400万美元的微软(Microsoft)股票。在去年11月离开微软之前,辛诺夫斯基领导了备受批评的Windows 8操作系统的开发。

The former executive will receive all of his unvested stock awards granted in June 2012, and half of the possible shares for his performance in the following fiscal year, Microsoft said in a regulatory filing.

In the first nine months of the 2013 fiscal year, Microsoft’s operating income declined 4 per cent, although its share price rose 13 per cent.

In total, Mr Sinofsky will receive 418,361 shares, worth $14.2m at yesterday’s share price. Their actual value will depend on the prevailing market price at the time of vesting, which will occur between now and August 2016.

As part of the settlement, Mr Sinofsky has agreed not to disparage Microsoft or accept employment at certain competitors.

The abrupt departure of Mr Sinofsky – seen as meticulous, tough and ambitious – was attributed by some observers to a power battle with Steve Ballmer, Microsoft chief executive.
辛诺夫斯基的突然离职——他给人的印象是一丝不苟、严厉和雄心勃勃——被某些观察家认为是他与微软首席执行官史蒂夫•鲍尔默(Steve Ballmer)之间权力斗争的结果。

Mr Ballmer subsequently said Mr Sinofsky had “made one of the most amazing contributions that anybody will ever make at any company”.

Windows 8 has drawn criticism for the lack of third-party apps available on it, and for its radical redesign of the Windows interface that initially did away with the familiar “Start” button.
Windows 8受到批评主要是因为缺乏可用的第三方应用,以及对于Windows用户界面的大幅改动。初版Windows 8界面取消了用户熟悉的“开始”按钮。