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Investors with an appetite for China and volatility would probably enjoy this year's ride on ChiNext China's market for startups and other companies seen as high-growth.

The index, known as China's 'Nasdaq,' has soared a dizzying 52% higher so far this year, while the battered Shanghai Composite Index has fallen 12%.
被称为中国“纳斯达克”的创业板指数开年以来已经实现了眩目的52%的涨幅,而一再受挫的上海证券综合指数(Shanghai Composite Index)则下跌了12%。

Formed in 2009 with just 28 companies, ChiNext is now home to more than 300 companies in electronics, media and other sectors seen as the face of the new, less export-driven China.


While large-cap energy and banking shares have stumbled on the mainland, ChiNext-listed companies have benefited from the emergence this year of new President Xi Jinping, who seems comfortable setting China on a new economic path even if overall growth slows.

But with soaring stock prices come questionable valuations. ChiNext stocks are trading at an average 44 times earnings, versus just 10 times in Shanghai, raising the usual selloff calls from strategists.

'Some of the stocks are expensive for a reason,' said Hao Hong, managing director for research at Bank of Communications International, noting that some ChiNext companies have strong growth prospects and can grow without much capital expenditure. 'Valuation wise, I think it's bubble-ish.'
交银国际(Bank of Communications International)负责研究部的董事总经理洪灏说,有些股票贵有贵的道理。他指出,创业板一些公司有很强劲的增长前景,不用太多资本支出就可实现增长。他说,在估值方面,其认为有泡沫。

Macquarie strategist Jiong Shiao echoed those concerns in a note to clients last week, warning that the rush to Chinese small caps has left risk at 'uNPRecedented' high levels.

Selling pressure is apt to increase over the next couple of months as ChiNext approaches the peak season for restricted stock selling, Shiao noted.

He added that new issues could start flooding the market soon if the mainland lifts its current moratorium on IPOs, as expected. Roughly 75% of IPO candidates plan to list on ChiNext or Shenzen's small and medium-sized board, he said.

Of course, ChiNext is no stranger to a party. Every stock on the board more than doubled on the first day of trading in October 2009, an otherwise bleak time for global markets. The good times were over by December 2010, however, as the index hit a record peak and then shed 35% by June.

'There is always a rotation going on in the China market,' Mr. Hong said.

While still seeing opportunities on ChiNext, he expects Shanghai will shake off its slump in the second half of the year, drawing money to stocks that due to intense selling are 'so much cheaper' than their peers on ChiNext.