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Those performance bonuses and evaluations you mention are, after all, under your boss's control. "He's the one you're trying to impress, " Handal notes. "Making him look smart to higher-ups and having him depend on you for good suggestions is certainly not going to do you any harm."

Handal adds that, as a CEO himself, he sometimes lets people assume he thought up something that really came from someone else. "If the person who suggested it is not the most popular with the intended audience -- let's say, for example, that he or she is in a department that has been feuding with another department -- then I may pull my punches and pretend his or her idea is mine, simply because I know it will get a fairer hearing, " he explains.

"But of course, I still know whose it was, " he adds. "Your boss does, too."

Another factor to consider, says Robert Herbold: "In most big companies, by the time any idea gets put into practice, it's been modified by so many different people that the idea of any one person getting credit for it is pretty unrealistic."

Herbold runs the Herbold Group, an executive coaching firm whose clients include Pfizer (PFE), Dell (DELL), PepsiCo (PEP), and Hewlett-Packard (HPQ). A former chief operating officer at Microsoft (MSFT), Herbold wrote a book called The Fiefdom Syndrome: The Turf Battles that Undermine Careers and Companies -- and How to Overcome Them.
赫伯德目前在经营一家名为赫伯德(Herbold Group)的高管培训公司,公司客户包括辉瑞制药(Pfizer)、戴尔公司(Dell)、百事可乐公司(PepsiCo)和惠普公司(Hewlett-Packard)等。赫伯德曾在微软公司(Microsoft)担任过首席运营官,并出版了《职场领地综合症:地盘之争的危害与治理》(The Fiefdom Syndrome: The Turf Battles that Undermine Careers and Companies -- and How to Overcome Them)一书。

"The two things you want are, first, for your boss to think you're doing your job very, very well, " says Herbold. To make sure of that, he recommends asking for feedback as often as every three or four weeks.

"And second, you want your performance evaluations to note that you come up with more than your fair share of ways to improve things, " he says. "If both of those are happening, you really have no worries. If you get too hung up on getting credit, it will eat you alive."

In other words, your friend has a point. "Don't forget that the goal is to move the company forward, not to get bogged down in politics and personalities, " says Handal.

Or as a plaque on Ronald Reagan's desk used to say: "There is no limit to the amount of good you can do if you don't care who gets the credit."

Talkback: Have you ever had a coworker who stole your ideas? How did you handle it? Leave a comment below.
反馈: 你是否遇到过自己的点子被同事盗用?你如何处理?欢迎留言评论。