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6. Pros and Cons List

If you have never made a pros and cons list to make an important decision, you should start. Whether it is expanding your business, promoting a certain employee or even taking a mortgage – making such a list helps you arrive at a solution faster. And who should be the one to have first brought this into effect but Franklin himself?

7. Importance of Perseverance

Entrepreneurial success is more than just luck – it is pure hard work, tenacity and never giving up in face of obstacles. And when Benjamin Franklin said, “Diligence is the mother of good luck”, this is what he meant. An unwavering decision to stick by his work and values led him to become one of the founding fathers of USA – and it can work wonders for everyone.

8. Seizing Opportunities

Benjamin Franklin became a pioneer in demographic studies at a time when it was still new. He was anyway making his personal notes on the population growth in the 1740s – and he took the opportunity of a study in the matter. Centuries later, we still remember him for his discoveries. Being an opportunist and making the most of your chances will help you grow professionally by leaps and bounds.

9. Learning From Mistakes

Another huge lesson that can be learnt from the American scientist’s life is not to get disheartened about failure before even trying and to make mistakes without apprehension. Only by trying something new with the risk of failure can you also find the path to success. Franklin did that with a number of his scientific discoveries – and this applies to every entrepreneur as well.

10. Welcoming Change

The last but not the least relevant lesson to learn from Franklin’s life is acceptance of change. Franklin brought about a colonial unity at a time when individual colonies functioned independently – and this was an important move that went to establish the geopolitical superpower that is USA now. To stick to the old is to regress – adapt yourself to the changing times to steer yourself towards success.

These are some key attributes that went into building the character of one of America’s founding fathers. Taking a leaf out of his book is almost half the battle won for the entrepreneur striving for success.