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销售疲软 过亿美元葡萄酒将被销毁


One of the world's biggest vintners has a roaring hangover from poor U.S. sales, leading it to destroy thousands of gallons of wine past its prime.
由于美国销售情况不佳,全球最大的葡萄酒生产商之一Treasury Wine Estates Ltd.的库存大幅上升,导致该公司决定销毁超过最佳饮用期的数千加仑葡萄酒。

Treasury Wine Estates Ltd. TWE.AU -7.83% ─whose brands range from the mass-market, U.S.-made Beringer up to $1,000-a-bottle Penfolds Grange from Australia─said it would book a charge of 160 million Australian dollars (US$145 million) against its U.S. business for the fiscal year that ended June 30.
该公司说,截至6月30日的财政年度,旗下美国业务将计入1.6亿澳元(合1.45亿美元)的减记支出。该公司的葡萄酒品牌有面向大众市场的美国产贝灵哲(Beringer),也有每瓶售价高达1,000美元的澳洲产奔富葛兰许(Penfolds Grange)。

The vintner relies heavily on sales of less-expensive labels in the U.S., the world's biggest wine market. Treasury Wine said Monday it had overestimated U.S. demand in the past year, forcing it to discount or destroy older wines that had passed their drink-by date. The company warned it expects to ship less wine to the U.S. this fiscal year, reducing operating earnings by as much as A$30 million.
这家葡萄酒厂商严重依赖较为便宜的品牌在全球最大葡萄酒市场美国的销售。Treasury Wine周一说,该公司去年高估了美国的需求,被迫将已经超过最佳饮用期的葡萄酒打折销售,或者予以销毁。该公司警告称,预计本财年美国发货量将减少,营运利润下降最多3,000万澳元。

销售疲软 过亿美元葡萄酒将被销毁

Inexpensive, low-alcohol wines such as White Zinfandel, a key Beringer varietal, don't have nearly as long a shelf life as a high-end Chardonnay or many red wines, said Jon Fredrikson, head of Gomberg, Fredrikson & Associates, an industry consultancy in California, noting that many people who used to reach for a white Zin now opt for Moscato, a similarly sweet wine. Even so, he said, it is 'very rare'' for large quantities of wine to be destroyed.
加州葡萄酒业咨询公司Gomberg, Fredrikson & Associates的负责人弗雷德里克松(Jon Fredrikson)说,贝灵哲系列白仙粉黛(White Zinfandel)等廉价低度葡萄酒的最佳饮用期要比高端的霞多丽(Chardonnay)或者许多红葡萄酒短,他指出,许多人过去选择白仙粉黛,如今则转而选择一种类似的甜葡萄酒莫斯卡托(Moscato)。他说,即便如此,大批销毁葡萄酒仍非常罕见。

Bulk wine that hasn't sold is redirected to distilleries, which can use it to make brandy or other spirits, although it is too expensive to do that once wine has already been bottled.

By recalling unsold wine bottles from distributors and retailers and then destroying them, wine companies can recoup taxes that were paid on the wine, softening losses, Mr. Fredrikson said.

'You take a steamroller and roll over the bottles and the government approves it and you get the tax back,'' said Mr. Fredrikson.

Problems have followed the Sydney-based Treasury Wine Estates since it was spun off from global beverage maker Foster's Group Ltd. two years ago. Back then, a glut of Australian grapes and weak sales in the U.S. and other overseas markets weighed on profit. The latest impairment charge followed a A$1 billion write-down of the business before the spinoff in 2011.
自两年前从全球饮料生产商Foster's Group Ltd.分拆出来以来,各种问题一直困扰着悉尼的Treasury Wine Estates。当时,澳大利亚葡萄产量过剩,加之美国和其他海外市场销售疲弱,给利润带来了重压。在这次的减记支出前,2011年分拆之前有过一笔10亿澳元的减记。

The company owns scores of labels produced globally, including Castello di Gabbiano, Chateau St. Jean, Greg Norman Estates, Pepperjack, Stags' Leap Winery, and Wynns Coonawarra Estate.
该公司拥有一系列全球生产的品牌,包括加毕安诺酒庄(Castello di Gabbiano)、圣让酒庄(Chateau St. Jean)、诺曼酒庄(Greg Norman Estates)、Pepperjack、鹿跃酒庄(Stags' Leap Winery)和酝思古纳华拉酒庄(Wynns Coonawarra Estate)。

Treasury Wine's struggles set it apart from the broader wine industry in the U.S., which is posting record sales after 19 straight years of volume growth and an increased thirst for imported labels.
Treasury Wine的困境与美国葡萄酒业的总体形势形成了鲜明的对比。美国的葡萄酒业在连续19年的销量增长之后实现了创纪录的销售额,进口品牌需求上升。

Australian wines rode a wave of popularity in the U.S. during the 1990s and first half of the last decade but have ceded momentum to other wine-exporting countries, such as Argentina, Chile and South Africa. The Aussie dollar's strength in recent years also hurt the competitiveness of wine from Down Under.

In addition, much of Treasury's U.S. sales are in low-priced wines at a time when American tastes are turning more expensive. U.S. store sales of wine bottles priced between $3 and $5.99 edged up just 1.5% and bottles priced $6 to $8.99 dropped 3.3% in the 52 weeks ended May 25 in volume terms, according to Nielsen. By contrast, volumes of bottles priced $9 to $11.99 and $12 to $14.99 rose 13% and 9%, respectively, and those above $15 increased more than 6%.

U.S. wine consumption rose 2.2% last year, reaching 345.1 million 9-liter cases, and rose 3.6% to $32.3 billion in retail sales, according to Technomic, an industry tracker. But for Treasury Wine, the No. 5 player in the U.S., American sales slipped 1.9% by volume, while those of market leader E & J Gallo Winery rose 3.5%, Technomic estimated.
据行业跟踪商Technomic说,美国去年葡萄酒消费量增长2.2%,达3.451亿箱(九升装),零售额增长3.6%,至323亿美元。但据Technomic估计,对于在美国市场排名第五的Treasury Wine来说,美国销量下滑了1.9%,而市场领跑者E & J Gallo Winery的销量上升了3.5%。

Treasury Wine's sales in the U.S. slipped below 13 million cases last year from 16.5 million in 2009, according to an estimate from Import Databank. It said that each of Treasury Wine's top five brands in the U.S.─Beringer, Lindemans, Stone Cellars, The Little Penguin and Meridian─had lost ground over the past three years, although Beringer and Lindemans posted modest growth last year.
据Import Databank的估计,Treasury Wine在美销量从2009年的1,650万箱降至去年的不到1,300万箱。它说,Treasury Wine在美国的五大品牌──贝灵哲、利达民(Lindemans)、史东酒窖(Stone Cellars)、小企鹅(The Little Penguin)和默里迪恩(Meridian)──过去三年都处于失利局面,不过贝灵哲和利达民去年实现了小幅增长。

'Management need to rebuild credibility across the board,' said Brad King, a portfolio manager at fund manager Armytage Private, which owns Treasury Wine shares. 'Apart from the Penfolds brand, everything needs improvement.' He said he was surprised by the size of the latest impairment charge.
基金管理公司Armytage Private的投资组合经理金(Brad King)说,管理层需要重建整个公司的信誉。该公司持有Treasury Wine的股票。他说,除奔富葛兰许品牌外,所有一切都需要改进。他说,他对这次的减记支出规模感到意外。