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2013-07-18来源:US News
5. Feedback is meant to help you. Really. It can sting to hear what you're not doing well enough, but imagine if your manager never bothered to tell you: You wouldn't progress in your career or get merit raises, and you might wonder why others were getting better assignments and promotions while you were passed over. Managers (most of them, anyway) don't give feedback to make you feel bad or put you down; they do it because they want you to do well at your work – both for the company's sake and your own.

6. Taking ownership is huge. It might be fine to merely execute a project that someone gives you. But it's far better when you can truly own the work – meaning that you're the one driving it forward, obsessing over it, spotting problems before they arise and addressing them and generally taking the same sort of responsibility for it. Approaching your work like this can be what takes you from a B-player to an A-player and can pay off dramatically in the course of your career.

7. We expect you to be a grown-up. That means that we expect you to try to find the answer yourself before asking us for help, to resolve your own interpersonal issues with co-workers, to have a work ethic that means your work doesn't change when we're not around, to avoid causing drama in the workplace and to otherwise behave like a professional adult who doesn't need to be told to do these things.

8. We want you to ask for help when you need it. Most managers do want to hear when you're struggling, whether it's with a particular problem on a project, a difficult client or an overwhelming workload. Don't hide your problems in the hopes that they won't be noticed – speak up when you're struggling and ask for advice. Good managers will welcome it.