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Lee Yun-soo has some regrets that she replaced her faded old clamshell phone with a smartphone six months ago.
韩国高中生Lee Yun-soo六个月前将她那部褪色的旧翻盖手机换成了智能手机,对此她有些后悔。

The South Korean high-school student enjoys tweeting funny photos, messaging friends and playing online games. But she said her smartphone is increasingly disrupting her life at school and home.

'I hate doing it but I can't help it,' she said as she fiddled with the palm-size gadget.


Ms. Lee is among the roughly 1 in 5 students in South Korea who the government said is addicted to smartphone use. This addiction is defined as spending more than seven hours a day using the phone and experiencing symptoms such as anxiety, insomnia and depression when cut off from the device.
韩国政府说,该国有五分之一的学生沉溺于智能手机。Lee Yun-soo就是其中一个。这种成瘾的定义是,每天使用手机的时间超过七个小时,并在无法使用手机时出现焦虑、失眠、情绪低落等症状。

Earlier this month, the South Korean government said it plans to provide nationwide counseling programs for youngsters by the end of the year and train teachers on how to deal with students with addiction. Taxpayer-funded counseling treatment here is already exists for adult addicts.

South Korea, home to the world's biggest smartphone maker, Samsung Electronics, prides itself on being the global leader in high-speed Internet and advanced mobile technology. Koreans are some of the first adopters of new digital devices.
韩国是世界最大的智能手机生产商三星电子(Samsung Electronics)的总部所在地,一直为自己在高速互联网和先进手机技术方面的全球领先地位而自豪。从全球范围来看,韩国人一直第一批使用新数码设备的。

With a mobile-phone penetration rate of more than 100% -- meaning some individuals carry more than one handset -- and smartphones nearly two-thirds of those devices, the government is setting measures to deal with the problems such heavy exposure has spawned. For comparison, the smartphone penetration rate in the U.S. was 50% as of June, according to the International Telecommunication Union.
韩国的手机渗透率超过100%,也就是说一些人有不止一部手机,而其中智能手机占了近三分之二,在这种情况下,韩国政府正采取措施,应对这种大规模手机持有量所带来的问题。相比之下,国际电信联盟(International Telecommunication Union)的数据显示,截至今年6月美国的智能手机渗透率为50%。

Korea has had problems with online-game addiction among teenagers for years thanks to widespread availability of high-speed Internet services. Now that smartphone penetration among teens and children is rising at a faster pace than other groups, the age at which people find it hard to wean themselves from a smartphone is getting lower.

The smartphone penetration rate in children ages 6 to 19 tripled to 65% last year from a year earlier, according to the Korea Communications Commission. Meanwhile, the smartphone addiction rate among teens was 18%, double the addiction rate of 9.1% for adults, according to another government survey. According to the Pew Research Center, 37% of teens in the U.S. had smartphones in 2012.
据韩国通信委员会(Korea Communications Commission)的数据,在6岁至19岁的青少年当中,智能手机渗透率去年同比上升了两倍,至65%。与此同时,另一项政府调查显示,青少年的智能手机成瘾率为18%,是成年人9.1%的成瘾率的两倍。皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)的数据显示,2012年美国有37%的青少年拥有智能手机。

'The situation is already serious,' said Hwang Tae-hee, an official at South Korea's Ministry of Gender Equality & Family.
韩国性别平等与家庭部(Ministry of Gender Equality & Family)官员Hwang Tae-hee说,情况已经非常严重。