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Learn to bite your tongue. The first step is admitting you have a problem. The second is setting up behavioral cues and reminders to stop you from seeking praise. Maybe that's a post-it note on your desk or a stop sign drawn on the margin of your notebook before you go into your weekly one-on-one with your boss. Do whatever it takes to make you think twice.

Replace praise with regular contact. Perhaps you don't have a regular meeting with your supervisor. Now is a good time to request one. If you have a consistent opportunity to report your progress on projects, you may have less of a hankering for praise, says Bruce Tulgan, a New Haven, Conn.-based consultant and author of Not Everyone Gets a Trophy.
用定期联系代替表扬。或许,你和老板没有安排定期的会面。现在是提出要求的好时机。如果你定期有机会汇报项目进展,或许就不会那么渴望获得表扬,康涅狄格州纽海文咨询师《不是人人都能夺冠》(Not Everyone Gets a Trophy)的作者布鲁斯•塔尔干表示。

"We call it self-reporting rather than bragging," says Tulgan, who tested a number of solutions to the praise problem and found that regular meetings -- along with clear goals and benchmarks -- can work wonders. "You'd be amazed at how self-sufficient the young praise junkies become."

Celebrate someone else's success. Another surprising remedy: giving praise to a colleague or group of peers. "It has a lot of positive effect," Tulgan says. Not only does sharing your appreciation improve your coworkers' mood and self-esteem, it may encourage them to pay more close attention to your performance and return the favor in the future.

If you're still unconvinced that praise addiction is a problem you need to solve, consider the effect that your neediness has on the people around you at work.

"Instead of making people like you and ingratiating yourself, you're doing the exact opposite," Klaus says. "No one wants to manage you. No one wants to be on a team with you because you're such an energy suck ... It makes you seem very young and very immature."