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Lady Gaga是30岁以下最赚钱明星


Lady Gaga是30岁以下最赚钱明星

Despite hip surgery that forced the cancellation of part of her tour, Lady Gaga still earned an estimated $80 million in the past year, propelling her to the top of Forbes list of highest earning celebrities under 30 years old.
尽管因髋部手术不得不取消部分巡演,但Lady Gaga在过去一年依然有大约8,000万美元入账,也使她成为《福布斯》榜单30岁以下收入最高的演艺明星。

Canadian pop singer Justin Bieber, who made headlines as much for his antics off stage as on, came in a distant second with an estimated income of $58 million. Singer Taylor Swift was third, pulling in $55 million, about $2 million less than last year when she topped the list.
加拿大流行歌手贾斯汀·比伯(Justin Bieber)位列第二,收入约为5,800万美元。贾斯汀·比伯常常因舞台下狂野不羁的行为成为媒体的头条。女歌手泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)排在第三位,收入为5,500万美元,比去年减少了大约200万美元。她曾在去年问鼎榜单。

The Forbes website said Lady Gaga, 27, would have earned more had she not had to cancel some 20 U.S. shows starting in February. Gaga announced earlier this month that she will release her next album "ARTPOP" on November 11.
福布斯网站称,如果不是因为不得不取消大约20场美国巡演,27岁的Lady Gaga的收入可以更高。Lady Gaga本月早些时候宣布,她将在11月11日推出下一张专辑ARTPOP 。

DJ, songwriter and producer Calvin Harris, who played more than 150 shows from June 2012-June 2013 and earned $46 million, was fourth on the list, and Barbados-born pop star Rihanna rounded out the top five with earnings of $43 million.
英国DJ、词曲作者和音乐制作人卡尔文·哈里斯(Calvin Harris)的收入为4,600万美元,位居榜单第四位。流行歌手蕾哈娜以4,300万美元的收入跻身第五位。

British singer Adele, who won an Oscar for the theme from the James Bond movie "Skyfall, " was seventh on the list with an estimated $25 million.

To compile the ranking Forbes estimated entertainment-related income for the 12 months from June 2012 through June 2013 by talking to agents, managers, producers and executives.