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You need to present a good case on what you can offer the company

by staying put while also recognizing and addressing why your boss is making the offer. Perhaps your boss is rewarding your hard work by offering a job that will detour you from where you really want to go in the company.

Be clear about what you want to do at the company and how those future goals match up with company needs. You could suggest changes to your old job or offer to help with the transition of finding somebody else to fill the new job.

It also helps to have a long-term plan that takes into account your personal life, professional life and your finances.

Create a three-column list that outlines what's most important to you and use that guide when you have to have that discussion about why the timing isn't right, says Mr. McKee. 'It's hard to argue with wanting to spend more time with the family because your wife is about to leave you or needing to take care of an ailing parent.'

Turning down a promotion doesn't necessarily mean that you've killed your chances of moving up at that company. Your boss may not be happy at that moment, but you may be able to advance down the line, says Mr. McKee.

He recommends that employees make an effort to demonstrate that they are still committed to their old job and working toward growing into a bigger role at a later time.

Address any shortcomings that need work with a mentorship, college coursework or certifications and make sure that your boss and human-resources department know that you're pursuing professional development as a way to grow into a bigger role at a later time.