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These days, it seems that everyone is worried about getting fired. Being alert and proactive is the key to dodging the proverbial pink slip. If you remain oblivious for too long, at a certain point, you can do anything, you can do jazz hands, and it's still over.


1.You are out of the loop. When you are being kept out of decisions and news that normally you would be involved in, it could be a sign that you are being phased out. It is recommended asking what changes your boss or team leaders would like to see and writing them down. Take immediate action to make these changes with enthusiasm and a positive attitude.

2.Your boss is visibly frustrated. You don't think you did anything wrong, but your boss is acting agitated and annoyed. Glass, a body language expert, said that signs of a boss's irritation include leaning back from you, not making eye contact, and pointing his or her feet away from you when seated. I recommend asking for a performance review and then acting immediately to make improvements. If your company doesn't have a formal review process,  you should regularly request feedback from higher-ups.

3.Your responsibilities are reduced. Unless your boss is helping you out because you are breaking under the weight of work two or three people would usually be doing or you are being given bigger and more challenging tasks, getting projects taken away may signal a lack of faith in your abilities. Request the opportunity to do the work, and make sure your efforts are stellar. It's a great time to go the extra mile and demonstrate your initiative and value.