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4.You have made a major mistake. You blew it and you know it. Apologize and acknowledge the impact on your boss and organization. Demonstrate a clear path for how you plan on preventing future mistakes and improving your overall performance in general. Offer a timeline and stick to it.

5.You receive an unexpected poor performance review. Especially if you are blindsided, this could mean your company is building a case for letting you go to avoid a wrongful termination suit in the future. Ask for coaching or mentoring from your boss, which may help bring your work back in line with his or her expectations and save your job.

6.Your boss's assistant treats your poorly. It's a kind of animal-kingdom behavior, and does not bode well for your position's future. It is recommended that you be proactive about asking your boss how you could improve your performance and volunteer for projects. If you feel you are going to be fired imminently, have a frank, respectful conversation instead of avoiding the issue.

7.ometimes there is nothing you can do to turn things around and save your position. You are better off directing your energy toward finding a new job. If you suddenly find your communication switching from phone calls to emails, for instance, HR may be building the documentation to support letting you go. It's also a bad sign if your superiors are suddenly aloof and you notice that conversations change when you enter a room. Finally, if you have an unexpected meeting scheduled with your boss and an HR representative on a Friday, brace yourself—that's the time people are most often fired.

And if you are fired? Remember that respectful communication is key, no matter how rejected and upset you may be feeling. It's really important to leave on gracious terms - you never know if some boss you had two or three years ago might want to rehire you.