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“It is necessary for a man to go away by himself, to sit on a rock and ask, ‘Who am I, where have I been, and where am I going?” ─ Carl Sandburg

Here are 10 questions that you can ask yourself every day which will help you exercise the art of self-introspection and self-reflection to monitor your progress in life. It is best done at the end of the day before retiring to bed.


1. Am I a little better than yesterday?

You know you are progressing if you are a little better today that who you were yesterday. Instead of comparing yourself with others and falling prey to envy, jealousy and despair, try to become a little better every day.

2. Have I built my character?

“When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost.” - Billy Graham

Your character is what defines you. Build your character upon the principles of truthfulness, humility, meekness and honesty. Character is not built in a day. It is built by daily investments you put in as you go on with your day’s activities. Do your work with integrity. Treat everyone with equality. Keep your words soft, sweet and comforting. Do not do anything, even if it seems petty, that can erode your character.

3. Did I give my best at work?

Did you feel excited about going to work today? Did you put all your heart and enthusiasm into work? If no, find out what is hindering you from doing so and resolve it. A satisfying day at work will elevate you mood.

4. What did I learn new today?

Learn something new every day. Your mind and your health are the most precious resources that have been bestowed upon you. It is important to keep your mind sharp and supple. Read a book. Learn a new language. Build your vocabulary. Learn something new that you find interesting or useful to you. You cease to grow once you stop learning. Learning is never a waste of time. It will sure fetch huge dividends.

5. Have I made healthier choices?

Your health is your responsibility. Jog, run, or hit the gym; anything your schedule will allow you to. Sparing as little as 15 minutes a day is better than being dead 24 hours a day! Avoiding unhealthy food habits is a healthier choice as well. Reduce the consumption of junk food.