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Every day I attempt to go about my life with the best intentions. My goal is not to judge the bad days too harshly or the good days with too much jubilation, but to live somewhere in the middle.

My middle is not filled with mediocrity or an area absent of passion; it’s simply a place of peace, knowing and balance. And part of living in the middle is doing seven simple things every day and then looking for the value in what happens next.


1. Wake up early

Early in the morning I am free to start my day on my terms. By waking early, I can set the pace and create a mood that lasts the day. The quiet of my house has a soothing hum that vibrates against my heart. When things get busy later, the memory of this vibration will serve as a reminder to stop and wait for the silence where the truth can be heard once again.

Give yourself to the early morning. Begin by waking just 15 minutes sooner. Enjoy the taste of your coffee or tea a little longer. Use this time to journal, meditate or pray. Or, if you choose, sit and feel the simple joy of being alive for one more day.

2.Give back.

I am a lucky man. My family and I have everything we need and most of what we want. It is with a thankful heart that I accept the gifts provided. Every day my intent is to give back so I can express my gratitude.

Giving back can be more than just giving money. It can be defined by providing a compliment, making someone’s day a little easier, or taking the time to do what someone can’t do. Giving back is offering a part of you freely and without expecting anything in return.

A simple act of giving can cascade from one person to another until a landslide of gratitude builds up so much momentum that its force can’t be held back any longer. Contribute to this momentum every day to experience its life-changing power.
给予这一简单的行为可以从一个人传递到另一个人,直到感激之情有了压倒性的气势,力量势不可挡。 每天都积累一下这种感激之情吧,来感受一下它改变生活的魔力。

3. Daydream.

Most of what I have today was once a dream. When I was in college, thoughts of having a family and a place to call home were the usual themes. What motivated me was the promise that one day my dreams would come true. And most have.

You can daydream whenever you wish. You don’t have to close your eyes; you just need to reach down and fetch a dream that may need a little light and some air breathed back into it.