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Employees are given counseling to find new jobs in the Sony group, or at another company, it said. Sony also said that it offered workers early retirement packages that are generous by American standards: in 2010, it promised severance payments equivalent to as much as 54 months of pay.

But the real point of the rooms is to make employees feel forgotten and worthless — and eventually so bored and shamed that they just quit, critics say.
但批评者说,“无聊办公室” 存在的真正意图是让员工感到自己被人遗忘,一无是处,最终在百无聊赖和颜面扫地中提交辞呈。

Labor practices in Japan contrast sharply with those in the United States, where companies are quick to lay off workers when demand slows or a product becomes obsolete.

It is cruel to the worker, but it usually gives the overall economy agility. Some economists attribute the lack of a dynamic economy in Western Europe to labor laws similar to Japan’s that restrict layoffs.

Japan’s biggest companies appear to be imitating Sony. Local media reports say many of them, including Panasonic, NEC and Toshiba, use the oidashibeya, or chase-out rooms, and similar tactics.

In May, the Asahi Shimbun newspaper reported that an employee at a Panasonic unit was being required to spend his days in a room staring at monitors to catch irregularities.

Last year, a Tokyo court ordered Benesse, an educational services company, to reinstate a worker who claimed she had been required to do demeaning, menial tasks after resisting pressure to leave.