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Take notes.

Keep notes on what is happening so things are clear, in case you end up talking to your boss or HR about the situation, Thanasoulis-Cerrachio says. Also save all related e-mails.

Confront the culprit.

Once you’ve discovered that you are a target, consider yourself warned and take action to mitigate any damages, Parnell says. “One of the best ways to protect yourself is ingratiation. Guilt, empathy and sympathy are powerful motivators and the most direct way to extract them is by befriending your saboteur and gaining a position within their camp. While on the face this may seem weak, some of the most powerful nations in the world use this very method to infiltrate and overcome an enemy.” In the words of Michael Corleone, “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.”
一旦发现你成为了目标,要让自己警惕起来,免于任何的伤害。Parnell说“保护自己的最好方式就是讨好。负罪感,同理心和同情心是强有力的推动器,也是和搅局者成为朋友的最直接方式,能在他们的阵营中获得一席之地。也许面子上看有点弱势,但世界上最强大得国家莫不是用这个方法来渗透战胜了敌人。”用Michael Corleone的话来说,“和朋友保持亲密,和敌人更加亲密。”

Don't sabotage the saboteur.

If you suspect someone is trying to sabotage your career, be the bigger person. “Don’t be that person who sabotages others,” Kjerulf says. “Make it a priority to be there for your co-workers, to always be willing to help, to offer advice and to help them do better work and have more fun on the job—no matter how they treat you. If we all go in with that attitude, we’ll create much happier and more profitable companies.”

Take it to your manager or HR.

If all else fails and you’re not able to resolve the issue on your own, take it to your manager or Human Resources department.

Keep your options open.

If a situation is toxic and isn’t improving, perhaps you shouldn’t be there. “A smart person always has an updated resume and is always networking to find better positions,” Thanasoulis-Cerrachio says.