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He spent six months refining the design. (The kit that's in shops today is the 28th iteration.) Then he set about finding suppliers in Southern China, getting their first shipment in June 2011. By then, the rubber bands had already arrived. He remembers standing with his wife, staring fearfully at the giant crate in their garage: it weighed 2, 000 pounds, as much as a small car.

Sales were glacially slow at first. He went to trade shows and children's camps to show off the plastic loom. When Ng went to pitch store managers in person, he was often asked to leave.

That changed after a single store in The Learning Express Toys chain picked up Ng's invention in July 2012. The shop, in Alpharetta, Georgia, offered bracelet-making classes to show off what could be done with the inexpensive loom. "Suddenly, they were calling us, saying they sold out 24 products in one week, " says Ng. "Then they sold out 96 pieces within a week." Then, when kids started taking their kits to school, good old network effects kicked in.
2012年7月,他终于迎来了转折点。当时The Learning Express Toys连锁店的一家店铺看中了吴昌俊的发明。这家位于乔治亚州阿尔勒特的店铺专门推出了手链编织课,介绍这款廉价织机的功能。吴昌俊说:“突然,他们给我打电话说,一周卖了24件。后来,一周卖了96件。”接下来,孩子们开始带着织机来到学校,于是网络效应开始发挥作用。

By October, Ng realized that something big was happening. In the run up to Christmas, demand soared. "Lots of orders were coming and we were trying to get help left right and center," says Ng, who was still assembling the kits at home with the help of his family.

He'd taken a three-month sabbatical from Nissan, but by then it was clear he was never going back.

Newfound wealth hasn't stopped him from working around the clock, he says, a bit ruefully. "My daughters sometime miss the old days when I spent lots of time with them." Ng still drives his 12-year-old SUV and his wife regularly clips coupons. All of their profits, meanwhile, get reinvested into the business as the family searches for the next killer rubber-band app.

Maybe maps, Ng says. Again, it was his daughter Teresa who showed him the way—after making a colorful elastic map of the island nation of Haiti.

Hey, it might work. Map-making, after all, is an even older craft than weaving.