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Don’t look now, but your micromanagement habits might be stunting your company’s growth. If you’re improperly, inefficiently, or just plain avoiding the delegation of tasks, you may be harming your company more than you think.


1. Settle for 80%

Perfection isn’t the key to success. Believing this could put your business in jeopardy. CEOs and entrepreneurs alike should accept 80 percent as good enough–make it your new A+. As long as your goals are met, don’t sweat the small stuff. The last 20 percent can take the longest to achieve and it often has diminishing results anyway. You’ll get more done by moving to the next tasks and improving things as they come along.
完美不是成功的关键,追求完美会让你的企业陷入危险。CEO 和创业者之类的人应该接受 80% 就算够好 — 把它当作你新的 A+。只要目标达到,就不要再为小事情烦恼。剩下的 20% 要花费最长的时间才能实现,而且往往会让成果递减。着手解决下一个任务并同时改善上一个会让你解决的问题更多。

2. Stamp out micromanagement

Thinking you’re the most knowledgeable and efficient person to handle every single task is one of the most poisonous mindsets you can have. You’re not only proving your distrust for your employees, you’re also wasting countless amounts of time and energy.

Learn to loosen up and let others steer–you may be surprised what kind of innovation will flourish. If you keep focusing on achieving your standard of 80 percent, you’ll be more likely to keep micromanagement at bay.
学会放权,让别人握一下方向盘 — 你会对因此而出现的创意勃发感到惊讶。如果你坚持 80% 即算完成的理念,就不会陷入微观管理的陷阱。

3. Stay focused

As a CEO, founder, or manager, you need to ensure you’re only tackling the tasks that affect company growth. Make no exceptions to this rule and adamantly delegate everything else. There’s only so much time in the day and you’re bound to be busy, so keeping your focus is key. If you find you’re out of things to do, your company could become stagnant.
作为一名 CEO、创始人、或经理,你需要确保只处理那些影响公司发展的任务。坚持这条原则,不要搞例外,坚定地把其他事情委派他人。一天的时间就那么多你肯定会忙的要死,所以保持专注非常关键。如果你发现无事可做,你的公司就会停滞不前。