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4. Set standards for delegation

The top tasks I tend to delegate to employees are general administration duties like appointment and calendar management, billing, office management, production, and sales. Cutting these out of your day will give you more time to focus on what matters most. Make sure you’re critically evaluating your daily tasks to eliminate those without concrete goals and focus on those you can’t do without.

5. Look at the money factor

Keeping affordable will help you delegate. One of my fellow members of the Young Entrepreneur Council says he delegates any task that he can pay someone $500 per hour–or less–to accomplish. This sets his own rate at $500 an hour or more–essentially, a million dollar yearly salary. You have to focus on work that has the biggest impact on growth, and delegate everything else–even if it’s an attorney at $350 an hour.
委派要保持一个自己可以承受的程度。我在青年企业家协会认识的一位会员说,他把时薪等于或低于 500 美元的任务都委派给别人。也就是说,他自己的工作价值大于 500 美元 / 小时。换句话说,这意味着他的年薪应该是百万美元。你必须专注于对发展影响最大的工作,然后把其他委派给别人——哪怕给代理人的薪水是 350 美元 / 小时。

6. Stop owning tasks

If you’re not passing off the ownership of tasks to others, you’re not truly delegating. Give full ownership of the task to the person you want to accomplish it. Stop babysitting your employees and trust that they will be able to accomplish a project in their own way. Limit your guidance to providing them with an achievable outcome.