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'Your strategy is ridiculous'


Ever think, "If I were in charge around here, we'd go in a whole different direction..."? The safest option, of course, is to keep that opinion entirely to yourself.


But if your corporate culture encourages debate and consensus, respectfully disagreeing can pay off. Just make sure it's clear you have the best intentions for doing so, Grenny says.


"You want to establish up front that, far from trying to undermine your boss, you're offering a different viewpoint that might help," he says.


It's not so much what you say as how you say it, Grenny notes. So tread softly and ask lots of questions. Lay out facts supporting your view that a given plan won't work, then keep reassuring your boss that your goal is to help the whole team succeed.

格雷尼认为,怎么说比说什么更重要。所以态度要温和,还要问许多问题。用事实来说明你为什么认为某项计划不会奏效,而且要向老板表明,你的目的是帮助整个团队取得成功。 他指出,得体地就现状提出不同意见能体现出你的关切之情。这样,“你的开诚布公就可能让老板的态度变得更加坦诚。”希望是这样。