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Does your boss experience mood swings on a regular basis? Does he or she suddenly become irritable, negative, or isolated for no apparent reason? This isn’t uncommon, especially in a demanding, high-stress environment—but moody bosses can be extremely difficult to work with.

Here are 10 tips for managing a moody boss:


Watch for patterns.

Since spiking your boss’s coffee with mood-altering pharmaceuticals is not an option, watch for patterns, such as timing and triggers; see the storm coming; and avoid over-reacting yourself.

If you’re having difficulty determining his or her pattern, open a line of communication between yourself and your boss’s administrative assistant (if they have one). The person closest to your boss will have the best reading of the current temperature—and the long-term forecast. Offer to help out your boss’s assistant whenever you can, to show sincere gratitude for the tip-offs you get.

Limit your interactions if their mood is rubbing off on you.

Many factors associated with moodiness are out of your control and it is very difficult to avoid emotional contagion. So if you can, temporarily limit your exposure to their mood swings in hopes that this is just a short term issue.

Keep your cool.

If you can’t avoid the boss, whatever you do, don’t inadvertently mimic this management style to other staff members, Taylor says. When your boss’s mood pendulum swings to the negative, be a sea of calm. Remind yourself that he’ll come back to center eventually. Show a relaxed, in-control demeanor yourself. Lighten things through humor and distraction to ‘jam the system.’

Make sure it's not you.

Don’t assume it’s just them. Make sure to also reflect on your own mood and performance. Are you upbeat yourself? Are you meeting expectations? Some bosses can be moody towards employees when they are not performing to their standards, even though the boss may not have communicated things clearly. So be proactive and figure things out on your own.
不要假设一切都是别人造成的。确保反省一下自己的心情和行为。你是不是很乐观?你是不是符合期望?有些老板当员工们没按他们的标准做时就不高兴, 虽然有时他们可能并没有清楚地说明标准。所以主动一点,自己把事情想清楚。