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Don't take it personally.

If it is an occasional situation (and you’ve determined it’s not just you that they’re moody with), develop a way to bypass your boss’s bad mood. Take a walk, look at a favorite photograph, call a friend, and move on. If the moodiness is chronic, either set up time to discuss the situation directly with your boss–it may be that he or she is unaware of the impact of their behavior–or if that is not practical, talk to a trusted colleague or supervisor about what you can do to mitigate the damage to your psyche.
如果是偶然的情况(你确定老板不高兴不只是你的原因), 找出一种方式避开老板的坏心情。散散步,看看最喜欢的照片,给朋友打电话,继续向前进。如果心情长期不好,要么找时间直接和老板讨论一下这种情况——很可能他或她不清楚他们行为的影响——或如果这样不切实际,找一个值得信任的同事或上司谈一谈,看看做些什么事情才能减轻对你心灵的伤害。

Document their behavior.

Moodiness can turn vengeful, should your boss’s situation go from bad to worse. So protect yourself by documenting their behavior, and your work product. One day you may be in a position where you’ll need to explain things to their boss, and without documentation, your words may fall flat.

Don't trigger mood swings.

Once you figure out your boss’s mood triggers, don’t add fuel to the fire just to meet a deadline or get something done. If tight turnaround time or bad news given out with no solution sends your boss’s demeanor into a nose-dive, take note, be patient and more strategic.

Pick meeting times carefully.

Figure out the best time to chat or check in with your boss. Approaching your boss near the end of a sales quarter may not be wise, if they are often stressed during that period of time with trying to meet the sales goals. Ask or determine the right time to interact with them, so you avoid times when they might be moody.

Don't confront the boss during a mood swing.

This is no time for a street fight. If your Darth Vader boss has swung to the dark side, don’t go on the offense with ‘Why are you suddenly so angry?’ If you have a good relationship with your boss, and all hell seems to have broken loose, you can certainly inquire about what’s wrong. But if it’s the all too common subtle mood swings, getting in the boss’s face is likely ill-fated. Better to stay out of the way until the clouds blow over, so you’re not a target.

If the problem persists, discuss it with your boss at the right time.

If the mood swings become a problem and starts to affect your work—don’t just complain to your colleagues and the higher ups; talk to the boss.