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苹果发布会:iPhone5C和iPhone 5s


Apple just officially announced its budget iPhone, the iPhone 5C.As expected, the new iPhone 5C has a plastic backing and is available in several colors: green, white, blue, pink, and yellow.The 5C will come in two sizes, 16GB and 32GB, it will retail for $99 and $199, respectively.The 5C is cut from a single piece of carbonate into which there is an integrated antenna.
苹果公司正式发布了它的“实惠版”iPhone——iPhone 5C。和预料之中的一样,iPhone5C采用了多色塑料外壳设计,包括绿色、白色、蓝色、粉色和黄色。5C将会推出16GB和32GB两种规格,分别售价为99美元和199美元。实惠版iPhone采用聚碳酸酯塑料外壳,内部搭载集成式天线。

Specific iPhone 5C specs include:

4-inch Retina display with an integrated touch layer.

The 5C will have the same Apple A6 processor as the iPhone 5.
与iPhone 5相同A6双核处理器。

The battery is slightly larger than the current iPhone 5.
比现在的iPhone 5的电池略大。

New FaceTime HD camera and rear 8MP camera.

Bluetooth 4.0

Apple is offering hard-coated polycarbonate cases to go with the iPhone 5C that will cost $29 each. Apple describes the iPhone 5C as, "iPhone 5C is beautifully, unapologetically plastic."

On the other hand, the iPhone 5S in particular looks great. It has a new fingerprint scanning feature built into the home button that allows users to easily, and securely unlock their phones. It will also allow them to purchase stuff from iTunes without a password.
另一方面,iPhone 5S看起来也非常棒。它增加了嵌入home键的指纹识别系统,使得用户能够更便捷,安全地解锁手机。指纹识别系统同时也能够让用户在不使用密码的情况下在iTunes上实现支付消费。

The iPhone 5S has a new 64-bit A7 chip, which Apple says makes it "desktop-class" in terms of speed. It also has a new camera system and an improved flash.
iPhone 5S拥有全新的64位A7双核处理器,使得它能够达到“台式机”的运行速度。它同时具备新的照相系统和闪光灯的性能也有所提高。



iPhone5C中的字母C代表的含义并非Cheap(便宜),确定是Color(颜色),具有粉色、蓝色、黄色、白色、绿色五种选择。美国方面两年合约价格,16GB 99美元,32GB 199美元。从真机颜色来看,iPhone 5C采用前置面板为黑色,后置为多彩颜色。在材质方面,iPhone 5C将采用塑料材质。

iPhone 5S在前代产品的基础上对硬件进行了更新升级,增加了指纹识别系统,外观几乎没有变化。在硬件配置方面,iPhone 5S采用了全新的64位A7双核处理器,A7处理器的CPU与GPU性能有着大幅的提升,同时芯片体积更小,能耗更低。同时在iPhone 5S中还增加了M7运动协同处理器,可以检测指南针、陀螺仪等运动数据,检测用户状态。该机将于9月20日正式上市销售,16GB版本售价为5288元,中国大陆首次成为首批上市国家。