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6. Teachers
6. 教师

The demands on teachers seem to be constantly growing. Many work after school and then take work home. In many areas, they learn to do a lot with a little.
社会对教师的要求似乎在不断增加。许多老师课后还有大量的工作,甚至需要把工作带回家。 在很多方面,他们都得学会利用有限的资源开展十分繁重的工作。

“There are pressures from many different audiences—the kids, their parents, and the schools trying to meet standards, all (of which) have different demands,” Willard says. “This can make it difficult for teachers to do their thing and remember the reason they got started in the field.”

7. Administrative support staff
7. 行政助理人员

People in this field can suffer from a classic case of high demand, low control.

They are on the front line, taking orders from all directions. But they are also at the bottom of the totem pole in terms of control and “everything filters down,” according to Legge.

They can have uNPRedictable days and may not be acknowledged for all of the work that they do to make life easier for everyone else. ”

8. Maintenance and grounds workers
8. 维修工人和水管工人

How would you like to be called on only when something goes wrong? That’s essentially what maintenance people deal with each day.

They also have to work odd hours, seasonal or varied schedules, and frequent night shifts. They are often paid little for a tough job that can include cleaning up other people’s messes.

“There is also higher turnover. In terms of co-workers, they are often isolated, and it can be dangerous work,” Willard says.

9. Financial advisors and accountants
9. 理财顾问和会计

Stress. Stress. Stress. Most people don’t like dealing with their own retirement savings. So can you imagine handling thousands or millions of dollars for other people?

“There is so much responsibility for other people’s finances and no control of the market,” Legge says. “There is guilt involved, and when (clients) are losing money, they probably have people screaming at them with regularity.”

10. Salespeople
10. 销售人员

People who work in sales are No. 10 on the list, though there are a whole host of reasons why the job could contribute to depression.

Many salespeople work on commission, meaning you never know exactly when your next paycheck is coming. They may travel, and have to spend time away from home, family, and friends. If they work independently, benefits may also be limited.

“This uncertainty of income, tremendous pressure for results, and long hours” can make for a high-stress occupation, Legge says.