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2013-09-13来源:Our Business News


Punching a time clock makes no sense for professionals. Their contribution is not the time they spend on their work but the value they create through their knowledge.

1. Know your priorities
1. 了解什么对自己最重要

Many things that you do at work are probably not the best use of your time. For instance, many professionals often spend much more time than necessary perfecting relatively low-priority tasks.

Understand what really matters to you, your boss, and your organization, and then be willing to be less than perfect on your lower-priority tasks.

2. Avoid meetings like the plague!
2. 像躲避瘟疫一样避开会议!

In the same spirit, most professionals would agree that many business meetings are incredibly wasteful — they typically last too long, they usually fail to produce concrete results, and they are sometimes completely unnecessary. Yet, just as a misplaced focus on hours allows perfectionism to persist in the workplace, it also allows employees to keep scheduling redundant, poorly run meetings.

3. Don’t forget to recharge
3. 不要忘了给自己充电

On the other side of the coin, an organization that places too much emphasis on time spent at the office probably neglects the importance of time spent away from the office. In order to be productive at work, professionals need to be able to recharge, physically and mentally.