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2013-09-13来源:Our Business News
4. Exercise every day and get enough sleep
4. 坚持每天锻炼和保证充足的睡眠

On the physical dimension, sleep and exercise are often the first two personal activities to face the chopping block when professionals have to increase their hours spent in the office.

5. Avoid burnout
5. 不要让自己身心俱疲

Long hours at work wear people down mentally. All too often, I see professionals work to 8, 9, or 10 every night and go into the office every day of every weekend, even if there is no real crisis. While these professionals might be increasing their output over the short-term, this type of overwork inevitably leads to burnout.

So you should assertively protect your personal time. That means being firm with your boss about times when you are not available — family dinners or your child’s soccer games, perhaps.

6. Don’t be afraid to speak up
6. 不要畏惧,大声说出自己的想法

Obviously, asking for more flexibility at work is easier said than done. But while I certainly can’t guarantee that every request will be successful, I can state with confidence that there is little harm in asking politely.

Believe it or not, most bosses understand your desire to spend some time with your children or enjoy a romantic dinner with your spouse. Your boss can’t address your needs unless he or she knows what they are!